Breast Reduction Surgery in Hyderabad
Breast reduction is a surgical procedure which is indicated for abnormally large or disproportionate breast size.
The breast volumes are assessed and reduced in proportionate amount by the removal of breast tissues to bring about symmetry and give relatively proportionate, appealing look for an individual.
Surgery indications:
- People with large breasts which cause persistent shoulder pain and back pain.
- Individuals who suffer from embarrassment, infections below the breast.
Breast Reduction Procedure:
Before undergoing the breast reduction surgery, patients will have to consult their surgeons and understand the desired size and desired shape of their breast. Topics like nipple relocation, an amount of breast tissue to be removed are discussed, and appropriate markings are done by the surgeons.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, and usually, it takes about 3-4 hours to complete the process. Liposuction procedure may also be combined to extract deposited fat under breast tissues for better shaping. Different techniques are used to achieve desired size and shape.
- Patients will be able to walk after few hours of surgery.
- Patients will experience a tight pull especially in “Chest” area; which will reduce over the coming days.
- They can get back to work life in about two weeks with no heavy lifting activities.
- Individuals should not indulge in physical exercises for about six weeks.
- Minor discomforts might arise after surgery, but they are negligible and won’t affect the overall procedure.
Post- Surgery Breast Feeding:
- During the procedure, only certain amount of breast tissues and glands are removed. Milk carrying ducts are not disturbed, patients can still continue to breastfeed their kids.
Breast Reduction and Breast Cancer Surgery:
- During the procedure, a substantial amount of breast tissues are removed from the breast area to reduce the breast size, with this procedure, individuals are less likely to be affected by breast cancer.
- Although, it is mandatory that post-surgery patients have to go through regular scanning and checkups like any other ordinary individual.
The outcome of the surgery:
- Relief from the neck and shoulder pain of not having heavy breasts anymore.
- Individuals experience redefined shape and size of their breast
- Appealing body
- COSMOSURE is a well reputed and trusted cosmetic surgery centre where your confidence and privacy are not at stake, and you can receive the treatment from the best surgeons in the business.