Category: Blog

What is scar? Scar revision techniques?

August 17, 2017  

Dr Cosmosure.venkatesh Scar, results following a injury disease( skin infection) or surgery. Depending on location they will be aesthetically unappealing or cause some functional limitations. When treated properly at the time of injury ,scar can be minimised to a large extent. Resulting scar will be easier to correct also. Scar can be improved upon by medications, lasers , chemical peels and by surgeries or combinations of the above. Generally their will be down time for full results to be evident.

Cost Of Open Rhinoplasty vs Closed Rhinoplasty

August 16, 2017  

Once you have made up your mind about undergoing a nose-job, the next thing to do is to get the finances sorted. Just like the cost of any product is largely determined by the quality and service given by it, so is the cost of a Rhinoplasty. Let’s quickly take a look at these parameters Surgeon’s Experience: Needless to say, a surgeon with more experience will have  higher fees than a relatively new surgeon. An experienced surgeon will also be able to provide you with better and desired results. Being a cosmetic surgery it is preferred to choose an experienced

Treatment Options For Tummy Tuck – Choose yours and look amazing!

August 1, 2017  
A well contoured physique is what everyone desires for. But the thought of surgical procedures is a worry. Experts at Cosmosure Clinic help you make the right choice… Many of us are familiar with tummy tuck and its capabilities. Getting rid of excess fat for men and women can be a bit challenging. Sometimes working out and making changes in diet doesn’t really solve the problem due to many reasons. A tummy tuck can help in refining the body’s shape and help give the patient their desired look. The procedure removes the excess fat around the abdomen while tightening the [...]

Recovering After Gynecomastia Surgery : A Male Breast Reduction Treatment

July 13, 2017  

‘Gynecomastia’ – A common problem many men face these days. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery has been a boon for most men. Although there is not much to do post recovery phase, the surgery does require some care. Gynecomastia is a sensitive issue, which is known to make most men uncomfortable. It is only natural to feel conscious if you or someone you may know is suffering from this problem.     In this blog, we will look into some aspects of the recovery phase, that can be applied to help heal faster post-surgery. What should you do after the surgery? A