Psoriasis During Pregnancy: Risks and Treatment
June 26, 2020
Does psoriasis condition affect my pregnancy? Do I need to change my treatment plans? Wondering how to handle psoriasis during pregnancy? A lot of questions evolve when a pregnant woman who has psoriasis or a woman with psoriasis wants to become pregnant. Every pregnancy case with psoriasis is unique. There are little research and no clinical evidence that psoriasis can affect pregnancy. Researchers believe that hormonal changes may play a role in this condition. However, you need to know a few things before you prepare yourself to become pregnant, or you are about to give birth.
The best way to manage the psoriatic condition is by talking to your gynaecologist and a dermatologist who is treating your psoriasis. Try staying calm because stress can flare your psoriasis symptoms. If you have any questions about skincare during pregnancy and after pregnancy, contact Dr Swapna Priya, one of the best dermatologist and psoriasis cure specialists in Hyderabad.
How does psoriasis affect your pregnancy?
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It doesn’t affect the ability of a woman to get pregnant. Psoriasis doesn’t cause any congenital disabilities or miscarriages. Some studies say that psoriasis increases the risk of adverse effects during pregnancy.
Overall evidence implies that it does not show any effects, but hormonal changes during pregnancy might change the way of psoriasis affects at this time. Some research studies state that around 55% of women with psoriasis conditions see an improvement in the symptoms during pregnancy. In comparison, women around 45% experience no change or even worsening of psoriasis symptoms. The condition varies from person to person.
The biggest concern is the medicine that is used to treat psoriasis during pregnancy. Even some medication is perfectly safe, while others might lead to miscarriages or birth defects.
Pustular psoriasis of pregnancy
Pregnant women are at a risk of this rare condition called pustular psoriasis of pregnancy (PPP) that occurs in person or due to hereditary. It mostly develops in the third trimester. Women with PPP condition suffer from inflamed skin with pustules mainly in the skin folds, such as under the breast, around the groin area and under armpits. Later the pustules combine forming large plaques.
It may spread to parts of the skin, and usually, it does not affect the face, palms, or the feet. The symptoms of the condition may include:
- Fatigue
- Mild fever
- Diarrhoea
- Excitement
Women with PPP condition should get treatment; it might be life-threatening to the mother and also dangerous to the fetus.
Medicines that are safe to take during pregnancy
It would be best if you were careful while taking medicines during pregnancy. If you are a pregnant woman with psoriasis, certain medications might affect your pregnancy. The safest medicine for psoriasis during pregnancy are topical treatments such as moisturizers and emollients creams. You can also use steroid creams.
Sometimes moderate to severe psoriasis can’t be controlled by creams or ointments. In such conditions, your skin doctor suggests phototherapy with UVB light. Ultraviolet-A therapy with psoralen drug is not suggested during pregnancy because it might induce breast milk, which results in light sensitivity in your baby.
It would be an ideal choice for women with psoriasis to plan pregnancy during the remission period of psoriasis. But in many women with psoriasis who do not obtain complete remissions, delaying pregnancy would be unrealistic. So the selection of the treatment process is very important, particularly for these patients.
Medication To Avoid During Pregnancy With Psoriasis
Experts say that it is better to stay away or limit the usage of certain medicines. They are not adequately studied whether they’re safe during pregnancy or not. Avoid coal tar cream and tazarotene (Tazorac) during pregnancy, the topical treatments that help to reduce inflammation of the skin. Avoid biologic drugs like adalimumab, Enbrel, and infliximab (Remicade), which help treat chronic plaque psoriasis.
The drugs which need to be avoided by women with psoriasis during pregnancy is methotrexate (Trexall); it can lead to miscarriages and birth defects in newborns. The drug can cause chromosome problems in both men and women and should avoid taking it at least three months before planning your pregnancy.
Oral retinoids like acitretin can result in congenital disabilities. These drugs are as powerful as the doctor even recommends to wait for two years after stopping the use of drugs before getting pregnant. Any medication you are taking during pregnancy need to be approved by the doctor that it is safe to consume. The treatment or medication you are taking for psoriasis can show adverse effects. Consult our dermatologist for the best psoriasis treatment in Hyderabad.
How to protect your baby
You have psoriasis and planning for a pregnancy, then talk to an OB-GYN specialist and dermatologist. You need to stop consuming some medicines before a few weeks or months when you start trying to conceive. This is because some drugs can lead to miscarriages or birth defects. If you can control the disease before you get pregnant, you can avoid flare-ups during your pregnancy.
Once you become pregnant and have psoriasis, consult a gynaecologist so that your medicines can be adjusted accordingly. After your baby is born, be more cautious while breastfeeding. Avoid using steroid cream on your breasts, or wash the cream completely before you breastfeed your baby.
If you are with psoriasis and had an unplanned pregnancy, consult a doctor. For more information, please make an appointment with our dermatologist at Cosmosure Clinic, the best Psoriasis Treatment Centre in Hyderabad. There is no need to worry, and psoriasis can’t stop you from becoming pregnant. Just following some measures can help you to fulfil your dream safely.