Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hyderabad
Tummy tuck Surgery in Hyderabad

Tummy tuck surgery is also called as Abdominoplasty surgery. This procedure focuses on extracting un-necessary fat, extra skin and also helps to arrange and tighten the muscle surrounding the abdomen. When compared to liposuction, A tummy tuck surgery is more efficient and involves the excision of fat, excess skin and muscle tightening.
Sudden rise in the weight or post pregnancy can cause the drooping of the abdominal skin. Droopy skin is also possible in the person who has undergone Bariatric Surgery.
COSMOSURE cosmetic surgery clinic in Hyderabad, implements its own peculiar ways in treating the patients who are looking for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hyderabad.
Tummy Tuck Surgery Procedure:
Before carrying out this procedure, patient has go through complete liposuction procedure, this will help to the excess skin move easily. Excess skin is then marked and through incisions excess skin is removed. Lower abdomen muscles are tightened to complete the procedure. All the cuts are closed in layers and good skin is brought up at belly button area.
Recovery from Tummy Tuck Surgery:
After a tummy tuck surgery, the patient will experience minor discomfort and sore. They are advised to wear a vest for 6 weeks. After monitoring for few days patients will be discharged from the hospital and can carry on with their routine activities.
Risks of a Tummy Tuck Surgery:
- Post Abdominoplasty surgery, stitches and marks might turn dark or red based on the skin tone. With course of time, scars will disappear
- At any point of time, internal organs are not damaged because of the procedure.
- Infection and bleeding cases are very low because the procedure is carried with extreme measures.
- At COSMOSURE in Hyderabad, there is no need to worry about the risks of a tummy tuck surgery; our surgeons will suggest the right solutions to recover from an and avoid any complications, after examining you thoroughly.