Types of Breast Reduction Techniques
January 11, 2018Every woman desires to have a great figure. Good looks, great clothes and well-done makeup can do little if the figure is disproportionate. Having the right kind of curves give a woman the much-needed confidence they need. Obviously, it’s not mandatory to have the right figure, but if you, as a woman are unhappy with the way your figure is, you can always opt for cosmetic surgery to correct the way you look.
When it comes to figure, breasts play an important role. The perfect breast size and shape might be a little uncommon, yet, getting as close to perfection is what mst women look for. Unfortunately, not all women are blessed with breasts of the right size and shape. While smaller breasts hit a woman’s s self esteem, having bigger breasts is not a great thing either.
Apart from the beauty aspect, huge breasts can also be a source of problem for the body as the neck, shoulders and the back hurt, due to the weight of the breasts.
If you have big breasts and you want to reduce their size, cosmetic surgery comes to your aid with breast reduction techniques. There are various types of breast reduction techniques, which are used in India to reduce the size of the breasts. They are:
Surgical Breast Reduction Techniques:
This technique removes the excess flesh or fat from the breasts surgically. In any kind of breast reduction techniques there is always a use of general anesthesia.
These kind of surgeries usually take 3-5 hours to be performed. The surgeon usually makes an incision on the nipple and extracts the extra fat and tissues from within and the nipple is re-positioned.
It takes at least a week to recover after the breast reduction surgery takes place. Subsequently, in the follow ups, the stitches are removed.
Inverted T Breast Reduction Technique:
This is one of the most popular ways of reducing the size of the breast. This is one of the techniques where the shape and the size of the breast are reduced by removing the excess skin. This lower breast initially gets a scar after a surgery. But, the scar on the lower part of the breast heals soon with any scar and any traces of a surgery.
Tumescent Liposuction:
This form of a breast reduction technique can produce a significant amount of breast lift and also a huge amount of difference in the size. The advantageous aspect of this mode of breast reduction technique is to ensure that the size and the shape does not change later. There are no scars left after the surgery takes place.
Vertical Incision:
The vertical incision is a relatively newer method of breast reduction technique. It has become popular in a short span of time. But, it is not used much in India. In this technique an incision is made around the border area of the areola and breast line. In this form of breast reduction technique it is only the appearance which changes.
But, the size remains the same. This is often termed as breast lift procedure. This surgery is very beneficial for women who only need a moderate amount of lift to their breasts and a moderate amount of tissue removal. Because, technically not much of the knife is used in this mode of breast reduction technique this as no incision is made along the breast line. This method is used for lifting the breast and also for repositioning the nipple and the areola. It is also believed by most of the doctors that the milk ducts, which is one of the most important organs for a woman are left intact and there is no harm which is caused to it.
Nipple Graft Technique:
In a reduction of the breast, the nipple-areolar complex requires a huge elevation. The nipple graft mode of breast reduction technique is used. It is not always necessary that the nipple be removed. But if the nipple is removed, it has to be replaced by a graft.
There are numerous types of breast reduction techniques, which have come up with the advent of science and technology. The earlier breast reduction techniques were scary and often dangerous. Sometimes it was often described to be unsafe for a woman as the milk ducts would get damaged. All the technology and the various ways of breast reduction are not available in India. But, people travel abroad to get the surgeries done by the best, because it is one of the most important organs for a woman.
Some women in order to get a cheap quick-fix, risk on the process by affording inexpensive and unskilled doctors, who are not masters of the art. Therefore, whatever mode of breast reduction technique is opted for, by the potential customer. Is is requested to take an expert’s opinion to know which kind of technique will suit the body type.
‘CosmoSure’ is a renowned a cosmetic surgery clinic in Hyderabad, which is considered to be the meeting point for science & art. Established in the year 2015, CosmoSure, cosmetic surgery clinic has been one of the most preferred cosmetic clinics in Hyderabad. All the procedures at Cosmosure clinic are a blend of a skilled & artistic touch. Our specialists are trained with in-depth knowledge of aesthetic science and symmetry to help individuals to improve their skin health.